Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Rooftop Sessions Episode5 Hip Hop Orchestra Sketch Featuring Ms Suarez

Monica Watkins These incredible musicians have hearts as big as their talent. We are making The Hip-Hip Orchestra a reality. The great soprano ,Ms. Suarez, starts things off and LaJune,the singer/songwriter/producer/rapper, comes in to add the rhymes. Ahmed is our composer and an incredible concert pianist. Too Black to Boogie is an incredible movement of love and charity and the collaborations keep coming. Be the change you wish to see in the the change

The Rooftop Sessions Episode6

This is a collaboration of the entire group. To Black to Boogie's LaJune(singer/songwriter/producer/MC) and Wes(songwriter/producer/rapper/innovator) better known as Good Boy/Bad Girl Productions...Ms. Suarez the incredible Soprano and our fearsome leader Ahmed Alabaca!!! This is the future in music folks...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Onyxrai Productions

Millie Acosta and Jenn Gellman are two of the most beautiful spirits I have ever met. They are incredible artists, filmmakers, and photographers. I am so blessed to have them working on my project and I know the beauty and light and creativity that they share with the universe will be given back to them ten fold. Please visit and see the talent these women have for yourselves...

Monica Watkins Photography

I have a desire to bring beauty, charity, and tolerance to a world filled with the opposite of these things in regards to the arts...I love every single thing on this earth, and I am connected to all things as sure as I know I am a woman of color in this world trying to create transformation.... I want to start a revolution in the concept of revolution. Revolution is to create the opposite of what you have....We have hate...I want love...We have ignorance...I want to teach tolerance...We have hunger...I want to feed...We have war...I want peace...

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Rooftop Sessions Episode4'Christina LaRocca of Christina LaRocca and...

This beautiful woman is the essence of talent and grace. She is a good friend of mine and she is one of the most incredible performers i've had the pleasure to know. We are building an incredible family of artists here and I can't wait to produce a track for her. She is full of charity and kindness and has been an incredible friend...I am manifesting stardom for this Queen of a woman!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Rooftop Sessions Episode3'The Hip-Hop Orchestra featuring Ahmed and LaJune'

This movement is so important to me because it is all about love, tolerance, and respect of all creative energy. No industry needs this more than the music industry! Ahmed created the concept of The Hip-Hop Orchestra and we would love to include inner-city children. All proceeds from this project will go back into the inner-city programs which support the arts. Let's build a brighter tomorrow filled with color and sound and movement...for ourselves and for our children!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The rooftop Sessions Episode 2

Keala and Lisa of 'The Nervous Breakdowns'

This beautiful spirit of a man touched my heart with his words when I met him at my neighborhood coffee shop. He was a breath of fresh air and going through a similar sad situation in his artistry... I wrote a poem 'The Best Day of My Life' and I read it to him as well. This band is so incredibly touching and genuine. The talent and songwriting here is epic! I will do everything in my power to champion talent that is as beautiful and compassionate as these two souls...Thank you Keala and Lisa...Thank you

The Best Day Of My Life
My thoughts will never be for my soul is only tangible to spirits that feel love and devour life like the ripest of oranges...juice dribbling down their chins...laughter filling fat cheeks along with the pulp...the pulp of life! Sun beaming down on me...ideas flowing like lava..more to come...always growing and flowing and transforming with their pure intent. The light and the love I have inside can never be duplicated, replicated...copied... These are from a higher power...a power so high that he can look down from all the universe...she can see past the firmament and every twinkling star in see truth...

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Rooftop Sessions Episode1 'LaJune the singer's singer...'

This is an incredible artist that I am producing and I am really proud of her. LaJune is amazing and I am looking forward to presenting her as new soul royalty....She's amazing!

Spence Adler (Painting is dedicated to you...thank you for always being there for me...)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Please support Anne in her final push!!!!!!

Passion - Undefined (original) and AUSSIE SHOWS DATES!


Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Project 2

This is how I know that God is Real...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hey Mr. DJ has a new home...

I will miss my baby, but I'm so excited he has a new home at the amazing station Urban Latino Radio. I'll come and see you soon Pooks. Mama will never be that far away...(sigh)

Sunday, July 4, 2010


This was my installation piece for the Art Exhibit and Benefit for Housing Works on June 29th. I am so proud of this little film. I sang the soundtrack... Two of my great friends inspired me, my subject Matthew Chiu and the editor of this piece Andrew Lewis! Thank you both for the love you put into this. Thank you for being two beautiful compassionate bright lights in the Universe... Dedicated to my girlfriend Manjit's Mum who just passed away. God rest her soul...

Pictures from The Art Exhibit and Movie Premiere!!!!

This was the most incredible day of my life! I got to share my passion for life and love of all people with the people I love the most! Thank you Victoria Silvera, Helen Watkins, Tonya Watkins, Ano Okera, Victor Butler, and everyone who made this a possibility! Thank you Levi. Thank you Earl. Thank you Spence Adler. My heart can barely contain my excitement for the future and my goals in helping my community transform with a lil' help from my friends... Stay tuned for our feature length film based on artists in community coming together to change the landscape of that community's thought process!!!

'Revolution in Thought' Movie Premiere at Housing Works Benefit on June 29...

This movie is my dream of a future that is filled with love, tolerance, and compassion for all mankind. Thank you Victoria Silvera for being the most amazing filmmaker in the world! Our partnership in making this film has made me a better person and you have taught me so many beautiful things about life and love...Thank you. I manifest greatness for our film! I manifest greatness for ourselves and the changes we will make in this reluctant and beautiful world...Thank you to my family...My mother Helen, Sister Tonya, and Brother Vic for helping create a beautiful venue! Without you, there is no me. I love you from the depths of my soul! Thank you to Spence and Pacino for this footage(Elevated Pitch Productions)-Monica