Friday, September 10, 2010

The Rooftop sessions 'Art In Motion' Episode

Rooftop Sessions 'Art In Motion' Episode from Monica Watkins on Vimeo.

These young stars in the firmament brightened the horizon in a corner of the Universe darkened by heaviness that life can be today. The love and hope and joy that they are inspires me and moves me beyond words....and they sparkle and shine...and he sparkles...she shines...sparkle...

The Rooftop Sessions 'Carvens Lissant' Episode

Rooftop Sessions 'Carven Lissant' from Monica Watkins on Vimeo.

This young man is goodness and creativity and love incarnate...and he sparkles

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Great Man and wonderful friend Gilles Larrain...He so Inspires me!

Great photographer and Artist Gilles Larrain and his lovely wife Louda Larrain. They are my inspiration for creativity. Louda is an incredible textile designer and they inspire me to be a better artist!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Art Live Trailer 2010 'Revolution In Thought'

The new Trailer for 'Revolution In Thought' brought to you by Onyxrai Productions and Animation by Jayel Draco and Corinne Alexis Hall. These are four of the most talented people I know....Let's Change the World!



My Radio/TV(webisode) Show starts Sept. 24 on Urban Latino Radio. Please check us out on 4-6pm on that day!!! I am so excited! GO ARTRIBE!!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

For My Beauties Christa Maria Robinson and John D.

I thought of you today My Love. Your soul is buoyant and as light as a feather. It is that feeling of champagne tickling your nose...It is that feeling of sunshine on your face with your eyes closed laying on your back in the grass and smelling wonder...It is that feeling that transcends the pain...that moves above it, around it, through it, over it...You are the spirit that won't bend or be broken...You are 10 feet tall and 500 pounds of sheer strength and power and love...You are are the wind and the whispers in the wind speaking ever so softly of a tomorrow which is better...yes you are (For My Beauties Christa Marie Robinson and John D.)-Monica Watkins

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What was is no longer...tomorrow is a brighter day...

Know that i will love you till infinity and beyond because you are so very lovable. Know that before I fall asleep sometimes I close my eyes singing you a melancholy lullaby and kissing your cheeks and eyelids and forehead, tickling your skin with my eyelashes. Know that whether we speak or have my love and it is as powerful as any wind on any ocean in any world and it travels great distances in the blink of an eye...and I am with you my love...I am with you...-Monica Watkins

Friday, August 20, 2010

Revolution in Thought Trailer

Millie and Jenn of Onyxrai Productions are two of the most beautiful and creative spirits that I have ever met. I'm so proud to be working with them on this film and the next one and I am so excited for the possibilities. This song was arranged and played by Ahmed Alabaca, an amazing composer and producer working on this film and musical director of my next film. Lajune,Marshall,Hoffa, and Pete(my brothers and sister in life) have been so instrumental in writing and producing this soundtrack and I could not be prouder!!! Thank you Hoffa for making this song incredible. Hoffa is one to watch in the future of Hip-Hop music. His is gonna do big things in this industry! I love my Arttribe!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

'Art In Motion' Radio Show on Urban latino Radio Advertisement


'Art In Motion' Radio show hosted by your's truly premieres Sept 24th on Urban Latino Radio 4-6pm...Cocktail reception on Sat Sept. 25 from 6-9 during Dumbo's Artwalk...Stay tuned for deets...

'Art In Motion' Radio Show on Urban latino Radio Advertisement


Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Rooftop Sessions-Marshall

Marshall 'Soulful' Jones is all beauty and light and he shines with his love and his intent in this world...He is one of the most prolific spoken word artists of this era. He is on a moral and artistic path which will innovate the thought process of a nation...Please stay tuned for his one man show...It's so funny that they call it a 'One Man Show'...For Marshall, that definition doesn't seem nearly enough... He is all things and not defined by the sum of his parts...he is all things. I wrote this for him... Thank you Marshall...As deep as any ocean...your words touch me like my mother's embrace...allowing me to sink into her warmth and knowledge that it'll all be just fine in the bye and bye...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

'Art In Motion' Promo shoot Take2

Thank you Lucien for an incredible shoot and Thank you to Urban Latino Radio and it's owner Alex Norman for letting us come into the space and throw paint and roll around like children on a playground for the love of art and the love of life!!! Thank you to everyone who participated in this glorious day!!! Thank you Jacob Plasse for the use of your song Slide!!!! You are an incredible producer and I love the song we did for LaJune!!! Stay tuned for Rosie to be released with it's remix on ITUNES!!! WOOHOOOO!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

'Art In Motion' Promo shoot Take1

Thank you Lucien for an incredible shoot and Thank you to Urban Latino Radio and it's owner Alex Norman for letting us come into the space and throw paint and roll around like children on a playground for the love of art and the love of life!!! Thank you to everyone who participated in this glorious day!!! Thank you Jacob Plasse for the use of your song Slide!!!! You are an incredible producer and I love the song we did for LaJune!!! Stay tuned for Rosie to be released with it's remix on ITUNES!!! WOOHOOOO!!!

The Rooftop Sessions Episode8 'The Incredible Pete Pidgeon'

Pete is air...He is thought...He is Love and Passion Personified... He is the sound that could make a woman walk across a dry desert in 120 degree weather...Not for water...Not following a mirage...But for seeking Truth...He is Truth...Pete Pigeon is Truth...Along with Marshall 'Soulful' Jones and Ian Kirkman and 'The Clubs' and Ben Golder-Novick...and Lucien Sirois(Pookie)...and Scot Anthony(my vision warrior)...and Jayel Draco(my favorite Super-Hero)...and Andreas

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rooftop Sessions Episode7 Featuring Marshall 'Soulful' Jones and Andreas

Another incredible episode filled with experimentation in artistry, innovation, love, and the genius of compassionate beautiful souls... Marshall and Andreas are composers, writers, and truth!! Please stayed tuned to hear more from both. Marshall is a spoken word artist and has a light that shines so brightly in beauty and honesty that it's golden and blinding like the sun... stay tuned for more greatness and incredible manifestations....

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Rooftop Sessions Episode5 Hip Hop Orchestra Sketch Featuring Ms Suarez

Monica Watkins These incredible musicians have hearts as big as their talent. We are making The Hip-Hip Orchestra a reality. The great soprano ,Ms. Suarez, starts things off and LaJune,the singer/songwriter/producer/rapper, comes in to add the rhymes. Ahmed is our composer and an incredible concert pianist. Too Black to Boogie is an incredible movement of love and charity and the collaborations keep coming. Be the change you wish to see in the the change

The Rooftop Sessions Episode6

This is a collaboration of the entire group. To Black to Boogie's LaJune(singer/songwriter/producer/MC) and Wes(songwriter/producer/rapper/innovator) better known as Good Boy/Bad Girl Productions...Ms. Suarez the incredible Soprano and our fearsome leader Ahmed Alabaca!!! This is the future in music folks...

Friday, July 30, 2010

Onyxrai Productions

Millie Acosta and Jenn Gellman are two of the most beautiful spirits I have ever met. They are incredible artists, filmmakers, and photographers. I am so blessed to have them working on my project and I know the beauty and light and creativity that they share with the universe will be given back to them ten fold. Please visit and see the talent these women have for yourselves...

Monica Watkins Photography

I have a desire to bring beauty, charity, and tolerance to a world filled with the opposite of these things in regards to the arts...I love every single thing on this earth, and I am connected to all things as sure as I know I am a woman of color in this world trying to create transformation.... I want to start a revolution in the concept of revolution. Revolution is to create the opposite of what you have....We have hate...I want love...We have ignorance...I want to teach tolerance...We have hunger...I want to feed...We have war...I want peace...

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Rooftop Sessions Episode4'Christina LaRocca of Christina LaRocca and...

This beautiful woman is the essence of talent and grace. She is a good friend of mine and she is one of the most incredible performers i've had the pleasure to know. We are building an incredible family of artists here and I can't wait to produce a track for her. She is full of charity and kindness and has been an incredible friend...I am manifesting stardom for this Queen of a woman!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Rooftop Sessions Episode3'The Hip-Hop Orchestra featuring Ahmed and LaJune'

This movement is so important to me because it is all about love, tolerance, and respect of all creative energy. No industry needs this more than the music industry! Ahmed created the concept of The Hip-Hop Orchestra and we would love to include inner-city children. All proceeds from this project will go back into the inner-city programs which support the arts. Let's build a brighter tomorrow filled with color and sound and movement...for ourselves and for our children!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The rooftop Sessions Episode 2

Keala and Lisa of 'The Nervous Breakdowns'

This beautiful spirit of a man touched my heart with his words when I met him at my neighborhood coffee shop. He was a breath of fresh air and going through a similar sad situation in his artistry... I wrote a poem 'The Best Day of My Life' and I read it to him as well. This band is so incredibly touching and genuine. The talent and songwriting here is epic! I will do everything in my power to champion talent that is as beautiful and compassionate as these two souls...Thank you Keala and Lisa...Thank you

The Best Day Of My Life
My thoughts will never be for my soul is only tangible to spirits that feel love and devour life like the ripest of oranges...juice dribbling down their chins...laughter filling fat cheeks along with the pulp...the pulp of life! Sun beaming down on me...ideas flowing like lava..more to come...always growing and flowing and transforming with their pure intent. The light and the love I have inside can never be duplicated, replicated...copied... These are from a higher power...a power so high that he can look down from all the universe...she can see past the firmament and every twinkling star in see truth...

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Rooftop Sessions Episode1 'LaJune the singer's singer...'

This is an incredible artist that I am producing and I am really proud of her. LaJune is amazing and I am looking forward to presenting her as new soul royalty....She's amazing!

Spence Adler (Painting is dedicated to you...thank you for always being there for me...)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Please support Anne in her final push!!!!!!

Passion - Undefined (original) and AUSSIE SHOWS DATES!


Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Project 2

This is how I know that God is Real...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hey Mr. DJ has a new home...

I will miss my baby, but I'm so excited he has a new home at the amazing station Urban Latino Radio. I'll come and see you soon Pooks. Mama will never be that far away...(sigh)

Sunday, July 4, 2010


This was my installation piece for the Art Exhibit and Benefit for Housing Works on June 29th. I am so proud of this little film. I sang the soundtrack... Two of my great friends inspired me, my subject Matthew Chiu and the editor of this piece Andrew Lewis! Thank you both for the love you put into this. Thank you for being two beautiful compassionate bright lights in the Universe... Dedicated to my girlfriend Manjit's Mum who just passed away. God rest her soul...

Pictures from The Art Exhibit and Movie Premiere!!!!

This was the most incredible day of my life! I got to share my passion for life and love of all people with the people I love the most! Thank you Victoria Silvera, Helen Watkins, Tonya Watkins, Ano Okera, Victor Butler, and everyone who made this a possibility! Thank you Levi. Thank you Earl. Thank you Spence Adler. My heart can barely contain my excitement for the future and my goals in helping my community transform with a lil' help from my friends... Stay tuned for our feature length film based on artists in community coming together to change the landscape of that community's thought process!!!

'Revolution in Thought' Movie Premiere at Housing Works Benefit on June 29...

This movie is my dream of a future that is filled with love, tolerance, and compassion for all mankind. Thank you Victoria Silvera for being the most amazing filmmaker in the world! Our partnership in making this film has made me a better person and you have taught me so many beautiful things about life and love...Thank you. I manifest greatness for our film! I manifest greatness for ourselves and the changes we will make in this reluctant and beautiful world...Thank you to my family...My mother Helen, Sister Tonya, and Brother Vic for helping create a beautiful venue! Without you, there is no me. I love you from the depths of my soul! Thank you to Spence and Pacino for this footage(Elevated Pitch Productions)-Monica

Monday, June 28, 2010

michaelatv radio show

Such an incredible day at my new job as Guest Host on Michaela Radio Show. Check me out from time to time on Urban Latino Radio! This is an incredible group of people! I had so much fun! Thank you Michaela for an amazing opportunity! One love...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thank you Spence Adler!

Friends are the family you choose in life, and I have the most incredible friends in the world. We support each other and lift each other up. Spence has been my source of calm and steady waters since we became a most unlikely pair a year or so ago. We can be seen tearing up the streets of New York cracking jokes doubled over in peels of laughter... He is my voice of reason and I truly love him!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

TV interview on PIX 11 news

I am extremely proud of this collaborative effort of my team putting together this event. Ano Okera scored us this amazing opportunity to have more exposure for our charity event on the 29th and Vicky Silvera has worked so hard on the film and has been a constant supportive force in my life! They are my brother and sister and I am blessed to call them miracles...


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Patrick Duffy and BES

Patrick Duffy is an amazing human being and an incredible friend to me and my brother Ano Okera and our causes. He has championed the artist spirit his whole career as a club owner(The Box) and restauranteur (BES). He is a bright shining light in the entertainment industry and in life. I am so proud of him. He is a soldier in the revolution of tolerance, love, education, art, and life. All my love Patrick Duffy...All my love..

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bell Book & Scandal

This incredible trio fills a room with sound like the sun envelops us in it's warmth. There is no corner of this world that can not be affected by that warmth... Stella, lead vocalist and guitarist, creates the nucleus of the group with her scratchy, sexy, bluesy sound. She has a voice from a different era. And even though this group has only been together for a couple of months, they are on an incredible path to a fame that I don't even think they could conceive! I was blessed enough to be able to watch and record a rehearsal last night and now I am a fan for life!!!! Thank you guys for helping this 'little engine that can' put a breathtaking event together... Watch and learn folks!!! This is true grace and art in movement and sound....movement and sound...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Andrew Lewis

I loved interviewing Andrew. He is a film editor, an amazing musician, a humanitarian, and an incredible human-being. When I looked back at his pictures, I saw such an incredible venerability there. He is starting a business with a few other young amazing artists and is working on starting an outreach program for children in the neighborhood who want to learn filmmaking and editing. His beauty within can really be felt in his compassion for all humanity. Thank you Andrew... Manifesting amazing things for your business and your band Bro! You are inspiration...

Daniel Wilson and Tatiana of Housing Works

Daniel Wilson, a Development Associate at Housing Works, really has a gift and a calling to help the people that come through those doors everyday. I was so surprised to see how young he was at our interview. He has a real compassion for these families of the HIV positive and drug addicted people that have their lives touched by his presence. The hope and genuine affection that I saw in his eyes as he spoke so passionately about this cause, really leads me to believe that a younger generation is ready to facilitate the change we want to see in this world. The fact that his artistry as a musician in a band enables him to live a communal life, only further enhances his understanding of a shared goal in giving back. It was such an honor to speak to him and get his perspective...

Tatiana's beautiful spirit called me to her from across the street. I was completely enthralled with her hopeful and broken spirit. She reminded me that I do this for her and every other person who is like her. She fueled me that day! I will never stop helping those who cannot help themselves. Tatiana is our community. She is beautiful and misguided and worth saving and artistic without realizing. I want to start a revolution for Tatiana!

Special Thanks to Spence Adler for helping me film this segment! You are an inspiration Kind Sir!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

He sees me...

Her mama calls her 'Suga', simply 'cause she knows her child... To everyone else, she is all bones and right angles and elbows and knees sticking out like boobie traps, waiting to ensnare and sting with her message, waiting to cause a change in this reluctant world...She needs a bit of work on her delivery sometimes...she smiles at the thought...But he sees her, the meat of her, the fat of her, the joy of her, the substance in fact... It is all there...In one central location...only if you look for it....look a bit closer...look past the beauty...look past the sharpness and urgency of her message...look a bit deeper... to the heart of the matter-Monica Watkins

My Warrior Princess...

The beauty of the woman know as Victoria Silvera blows me away! Her spirit has such an incredible capacity to uplift everyone she encounters and I am blessed to call her a friend, a warrior princess, a spirit... She is creating this film with me and her artistry is beyond description in it's beauty... Watch and learn from this natural born leader...Watch and learn...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Please go to the website and check out our event!

Event posting on website:

Matthew Chiu

Matthew Chiu is so many things in life...He is a 21 year old Ailey dancer...He is an incredible new designer on the New York Scene... He is one of my most interesting and compassionate friends... He is an artist... He is Canadian...He is an activist for Gay and Lesbian rights...He is a choreographer... All of these things that he is, though, don't nearly encompass WHO he is as a human-being! He is sound and laughter and light and air and that cool breeze on a day like today that lightly touches the back of your neck like a caress....And he is hope and joy and youth and cloud formations changing and transforming and you watch to see what beautiful shape will appear in the next few moments... He is more than the sum of his parts! He is revolution! He is revolution...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ano Okera, I could not climb this Mountain without You Luv!

I dedicate this to Ano Okera! He is my brother and shares my vision in life that we can give back and make a difference as artists to change the landscape of a community's thought process, compassion, and tolerance of one another...I could not be me climbing this mountain without him reaching for me with his hand to lift me up...

Sunday, June 13, 2010


One of my best friends, Brad Digital, has been a driving force in my artistic growth for the past four years. He has worked as a clothing designer, a mixed-media artist, and a brand owner for as long as i've known him. His artwork transcends any singular thought process. He is the definition of innovation and also one of the most compassionate souls I have had the pleasure of being blessed with in my life. He will always be a success because he gives everyday of his life. He would never be a vampire! He gives knowledge...He gives love... He gives diligence in everything he does..He gives light...He gives creativity...He gives himself!

Victoria Silvera...You are the best! The most talented editor/filmmaker around...

dan's interview.m4v

I am so proud to call Dan Bernard a friend of mine. He has been so supportive of this event for Housing Works and has given me incredible advice throughout the entire process. I came to him with my idea, and unlike many others, he didn't laugh or tell me it was impossible. He just told me he believed in what I was doing and was proud of me. He's an incredible accountant, a compassionate man, and a true friend. Ford Models is an amazing agency to be a part of. They have a core value system which encourages their models to give back in any way possible and they are involved in numerous charities as well. Ford is an inspiration to me...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Columbus Boy's and Girl's Club

Thank you so much Windell Spaulding! Your compassion and the beauty of these children really touched my heart! I cannot wait to paint with these incredible and talented little souls!!!

An Amazing day with Dr. Romita(Owner of Ajune Day Spa) and the Columbus Boys and Girls Club

This day touched my heart so profoundly that I couldn't sleep. I was dreaming of beautiful smiling faces of children and laughter in echo. I dreamt of today and my entire spirit was buoyant. Days like this just prove to me why I am doing what i'm doing here. Why it is so important to give back and effect our community in positive ways to change our future. I left the Bronx so hopeful and light in spirit that I had to write about the experience. Dr. Mauro Romita is one of our sponsors and an amazing human-being. His heart has the capacity to love every single child in this world and to take action to make sure that each child he can help has proper healthcare and nutrition. He started this health fair six years ago and it grows stronger with more supporters each year. My production company is committed to being inspired and inspiring these children through painting, music, and dance. I am reaching out to all of my friends to help us with sponsorships of art supplies (acrylic paints, brushes, canvases) by the end of next week. Ano Okera will be teaching the children dance and we are shooting a video to be premiered at the June 29th event for his amazing song 'Children of The World'! I am so proud of my brother. His talent is as bright and shining as any star in the firmament and his spirit is dedicated to inspiring children to have dance as an outlet of health expression. The director of The Bronx Boys and Girls Club, Windell Spaulding, encouraged and inspired me with his desire to help these children. These pictures and video are just a bit of what I saw when we were there. I hope they inspire you... Our film project is dedicated to change the hearts of the people in our community in a positive way. Art, music, and dance can save lives! Compassion, love, and tolerance can save lives! You can save lives...Start a revolution!